Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Accepting The Gift

I can not write this post without telling you what I think is one of the most disturbing things about giving gifts. Many people think of a gift as a "give me." They do not receive a "gift" as much as they acquire a "thing." What I mean is that when a person expects a gift and it's not quite what they thought it should be, their mind wanders to the idea that, "I can go exchange it and get something I really wanted. I know that I have been guilty of this in the past. We don't see the gift as a symbol of the love of the person behind it. It ceases to be a gift and becomes a requirement.

Just as bad is the thought by the giver that I will just get "anything" and if they don't like it, they can take it back. This usually happens when we don't know a person well or it seems they have everything.We feel pressure to buy something - anything. However, a gift is special because it is unwarranted and not required. It is presented to a person not for anything they have done but simply because the giver wanted to give. There is a joy in taking someone by surprise and giving knowing that nothing was done to deserve it.

So, I think you know where I am going with this.  In this Christmas season, there are many gifts given but the 1st Christmas there was only 1. God himself showed up and gifted us with his presence. He surprised us with unmerited favor. We did nothing to deserve it and he certainly didn't make this effort lightly thinking if we didn't want it, we could exchange it.  Friends, there is only 1 way. There is only 1 gift good enough. We might reject it but the gift is still given.

 What is your response?  Have you joyfully received it?  Have you opened it to know the wonderful love of the Father?  If not, why? It was sent just for you.

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