Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"Can't" is going down.

Today I found myself thinking, "I can't do it." It doesn't matter what "it" was I thought I couldn't do, what matters is that I realized there was a limitation I had placed on myself. When I thought more about it and the many things I have done that I thought I couldn't, I understood that this was just another situation where I had a choice. The choice has always been this: stay where it is safe and only mildly stressfull OR go where you are unsure of yourself and your abilities. How many times in our lives have we turned aside from something that we knew would be difficult and thought, "I'll do this when..... when I'm stronger... when I'm older... when I have more money... when my life isn't so crazy......the list goes on and on.

 At the bottom of all these hesitations is a fear that we won't be good enough. So, today I decided "Can't" is going down.
     I won't stop just because I don't do something the best, or the fastest.
     I won't stop just because I hear 100 times how bad it was when someone else tried to do it.
     I won't stop just because I don't yet know how to do it.
     I won't stop just because I make mistakes and have to re-do it.
     I won't stop just because others have given up.

So, what is IT that you think you can't do?   Is it selling your house and moving, going back to school and getting a degree, writing a book, running a marathon or maybe adopting a child? I challenge you to take the first step toward "I can." This Sat. Nov. 23 is National Adoption Day and I will be taking a few hours to do what I thought I couldn't.  Join me?

"If God is for us who can be against us?"

Saturday, November 2, 2013

New Beginnings


       "May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." 2 Thes. 3:5

My oldest son was married last week and I spent a lot of time thinking about parenting him and how quickly the time went by. It seems but a few years since he was in little league, or sitting at our table learning his multiplication. Everyone told me that the time would go too quickly and I tried to heed their advice and enjoy every moment. I have no regrets as he begins his new life with his bride.

I say this because when some people think about adoption they think that they are too old or have waited too long to begin with another child and I want to remind them how quickly the years go by. There are many older children waiting for a family; children who are 8, 10 or older.  They only have a short time left before they will be adults, and right now they don't have anyone to show them what having a family means.

If you are reading this and feel God nudging your heart, take the next step. Search the web for an adoption agency and begin asking questions or go to or and look at the list of children who are waiting for a family.

Be The One