Sunday, June 15, 2014

Daddy Love

A dad is many things to his family: a financial provider, a fan, a hero, and in our home, the one who provides the fun. I appreciate all the roles my husband plays in our lives and have enjoyed many moments watching him with our children; yet, if I had to pick some of my husband's greatest moments, they would include watching him "fall in love" with each of his children.

The first two children who came along were born in a hospital. With these, both boys, the "falling" happened in a hospital room when a nurse brought the baby in from somwhere they had taken him. There was a slow realization of what the bundle held and then his face would go soft and his eyes would glow. He was hooked.

The next two children were born in a birthing center. There our daughters were immediately given to me and my husband was allowed to help clean, weigh and wrap them. Then came the "look" of being handed a precious gift. It was as if there were only the two of them in the room and he had only the little face to adore.

The last two children came to us through adoption and I wondered if I'd see the "look." The first little boy came to us at the age of three. He was with another set of foster parents and we had gone to meet him (an intro. before he was placed with us). As we walked beside him letting him pedal his tricycle, stopping every few feet to point out a truck, I again saw the look of love come over my husband's face. A love mixed with wonder (How do you fall in love with a child you have just met?) The last time we added to our family, we were in another country half way around the world. We were in a conference room with five strangers plus our guide. I didn't see my husband's initial reaction because I was rivited on the young 7yr old standing in the doorway. It wasn't until I stepped aside (the boy wasn't particularly interested in me) and said, "this is your daddy," that I turned my attention to my spouse. As quick as lightening, our newst son had raced toward daddy and flung his arms around his neck. There it was again: the "look" as strong as ever.

So what makes a man a father? He should provide, protect and lead his family, but most important is his willingness to fall in love.

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