On this day when we recognize the lives of orphans and pray for a solution, I want to share some thoughts on my family's recent adoption of our 8 year old daughter from China.
1) God has, is and always will be in control of rescuing the orphan. Man plans his ways but the Lord directs his path. God is not interested in our heroic ideas he only wants humble willing hearts.
2) A fragile, scared child will react in various ways. Some will be on your radar and some will take you completely by surprise. As parents we need to not let the child know we may be horrified by something they've said or done.
3) God asks us to do hard things not because he wants us to struggle but because he is forming us into his likeness.
4) A medically fragile child will test you the same as a healthy child. We as parents need to be willing to look at the whole need of the child not just the physical.
5) Adoption Will always involve loss and sacrifice. Even in a bad situation, the child has bonds. We need to acknowledge these and let the child remember any positives even if they seem somewhat fantasized. How would we like to only have the horrible to remember?
6) Comparisons are not bad even if we as parents are on the short side. The child is processing ideas, relationships and feelings. In my daughters world sometimes American is not a welcoming place and Chinese food is better. Some days I feel this way too.
7) Many years from now the important things will be "did you love me enough to hold me while I walked a very difficult road?" And "did you believe in me?"
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