Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Any Run is a Good Run

 I've run 3x this week, all very different runs, yet each one was a Good run. The first run was difficult and I felt like I was just plodding along; going through the motions but not getting anywhere fast. The second was a race where I pushed myself to get to a goal in which I felt victorious. The third was an enjoyable run where I didn't feel the need to do anything but enjoy being outside. My legs felt strong and I was running without thinking about running.
     Life is a lot like these runs (yes, I compare most things in life with running because it's such a good analogy). Sometimes we feel like we are just plodding along. We don't feel like we are accomplishing anything and maybe like we should just stop and go back home; maybe leave the running to those who look good in bright colors. Other days we feel as if we were in a race (maybe a battle?). We have to push ourselves hard to get to the finish. We play a recording in our heads of "I think I can, I think I can," or maybe as I do, we just count our steps 1,2,3,4,5.... until the end is in sight. Then there are those days when life seems easy and we feel as if we know what we are doing. We are on auto-pilot enjoying the scenery. There are no bumps in the road and we make it to the end feeling accomplished.
     So, how can all these runs be Good runs?  The answer is simple: I was going forward - I didn't stop even though I felt like it and I didn't turn around and go home. You see I've convinced myself that it doesn't matter how I feel, what counts is that I am taking the next step. Some steps are easy, some are not, but every step gets me closer to where I'm going. In life, we are all going to have great days where it's easy to move and we relish the tasks in front of us, but we shouldn't be surprised when these days are followed by the mundane or often by those times when we feel we are running for our lives. Breathe in - breathe out. Right leg - left leg. Chin up - look where you are going. And remember, others are watching you and following.

Heb. 12:12-13 "Strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. Make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed."

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