Thursday, June 13, 2013

I stand at the door and knock

Today is a special day for our family. It is the anniversary of the day we added a child through adoption.
June 13, 2011 was our "Gotcha Day" in Shanghai, China. But the story began way before that.....
It was April 2008 when I had a dream of being present at the birth of a child; a child who was born "imperfect". I held the baby and stared into eyes that were brilliant, as the "aunts" left the room and the mother refused to look at the child. I wept for the baby who had been rejected. When I woke, I knew that there was a child somewhere that needed a mommy.

It was two years before I saw Evan's picture on a waiting child listing. On a June morning in 2010, I saw him and I knew that this was the child. I called my husband, who was in a hotel in Colorado and told him I had found Evan, for that is what I had been calling this "waiting child." Throughout the next year, we filled out stacks of paper and went to appointments. I never once doubted that Evan was our son for I knew him even though I had never met him.

Is there a child knocking at your door? Are you hesitant to open that door not knowing what you'll find?  I encourage you to open it and take a look. It may be that God has a wonderful journey waiting for you. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. I have a link on this blog to a website called rainbowkids. This is the wonderful site that linked us to Evan. If you feel someone is knocking, take a look.


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