Do you notice how evil and truth are shown as opposites here? Why is it our society has such an addiction to evil and such a horror of the truth? Don't believe this is true? Just look at any popular t.v. show and what is seen as funny. It usually entails someone being embarrased, humiliated, put down or "getting what they deserve." We know these things aren't right;however, it is so prevalent in our culture we have a hard time not delighting in it. We tease those we love about their faults making it harder for them to see themselves in a positive way.
Truth, on the other hand, is shown as something worth rejoicing over. When I hear this I can't help but think of one of my children who has a difficult time with gettting things right. I'm always hoping he or she makes the right decision in a situation; and when they do, I feel like jumping up and down. I get excited because they have chosen truth and are living the way God meant them to. We need to see the true character in our children and share it with them. Instead of saying, "stop acting like a clown," we can say, "please act like the young man God made you to be." When we do this, we help them understand who they were made to be so that they can live out that truth.
Be The One
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